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Love and Sex Constellation in November (2)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For Gemini, “depth” is very important this week. Friday’s astrological signs will let Gemini understand the contradictions deep in the heart with others. When Venus is in Capricorn, it will also reshape the relationship between lovers and enhance the experience of intimacy between two people.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer must remember “confess” this week! Mercury’s chart in Scorpio will make Cancer semi-forced to express the feelings of the deep heart. The entry of Venus into Capricorn will allow Gemini to grow from contradictions. Cancer during the week will also want to eagerly express their inner desires.



Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer must remember to “confess” this week! Mercury’s chart in Scorpio will make Cancer semi-forced to express the feelings of the deep heart. The entry of Venus into Capricorn will allow Gemini to grow from contradictions. Cancer during the week will also want to eagerly express their inner desires.


Leo (July 23-August 22)

For Leo this week, “emotional security” is the most important. This week’s image reminds Leo to express his feelings in a romantic way. At the same time, it will also improve the efficiency of communication with your partner and improve the quality of the relationship. Give a piece of advice, emotions are for observation, not fuse!


Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This week, Libra will have the feeling that “the senses will be amplified”, become more sensitive, and more likely to be provoked. At the same time, it will also allow Libra to find someone who can watch cats tumbling with each other at home.


Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra will be affected by the astrology this week, and the senses will be enlarged, become more sensitive, and more likely to be provoked. It will also allow Libra to find an object with a sense of security and stability like home.


Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

November is Scorpio’s birthday month. After Mercury enters your sign, Scorpio will use its wisdom to guide all power and intimacy, and be inspired by the power of communication.


Sagittarius (November 22nd-December 21st)

After Mercury enters the Scorpio imagination zone, it will remind Sagittarius how to imagine and experience pornography. Venus entering Capricorn will make you addicted to pleasure. The conditions of Mercury and Mars will help Sagittarius break through the frame!


Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The Mercury astrology on Friday will allow you and your partner to teach each other in relationships, learn how to be good with each other, and adjust to each other’s bad. Venus is about to enter Capricorn for a month, which can powerfully change the way in which relationships are maintained.



Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Mercury’s entry into your Scorpio house of wisdom this week will change the way you think, analyze, and make decisions for integrity. Venus enters the friendship house ruled by Capricorn, blurring the boundaries between lovers and friends.


Love and Sex Constellation in November (1)


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